Okay let's dive right into this topic of valentine’s day. I, myself, am single as a pringle on this glorious day, but I feel my own opinion should still at least be thought about. I truly believe the real love of valentines is truly mixed up by the way the world describes and presents it. Valentine’s is not about flowers, chocolate, boyfriend, us, etc. and while all that stuff is incredibly nice ( personally I'm loving chocolate haha) the real love in life is in Christ. The world has used and tricked this holiday into being full if lust than of what the true meaning of love is. The real love of valentines should not be a baby in a diaper shooting arrows, but should be about the never-ending love of God. His love is the love we should be celebrating on this day of life. I always hate to put this bluntly, but we are not worthy of God's love. We are only worthy of His love if we are IN His love, being completely and fully in His love through salvation. When we accept Him as our Savior that is when we will bask in the love He gives to us. That is when we will feel fullness of love and grace. We are impatient, faulty and imperfect beings, but He created us nonetheless as His own and loves us dearly, unlike anything else.
Now I'm going to give you an example. Imagine you find a pretty rock on the ground anywhere. You stoop down to pick it up and think to yourself “wow, this rock is so unique and beautiful with its swirls and flaws, but still nonetheless beautiful”. Then you put it out for display, for all to see or put in your pocket as a good luck. This is just barely scratching the surface of showing God’s love. Unlike this story, Jesus doesn't see you as a shiny object on a shelf, He sees you as a child of Him. His child. His creation. God gave up everything to save us. He truly just wants only us to love Him back. Can we do that? It may be difficult but when we say we love Him do we truly love him? Do we truly know his real love?
A simple repetitive but powerful verse, John 3:16, tells us That God SO LOVED the world He gave his only begotten Son. Can you truly imagine that? His only son to walk, mocked, bullied, and then painfully left to hang on a cross to die. It truly shows the depth of love he has for us. To take the full blame and the consequences. How deep is your love for Him and His creation? We are his creation. The world around us is His creation. We talk about how the world is a dreadful place, but how are we helping to get souls saved and ask this place better? We are not to make this world our paradise because we are only passing through, but how are we doing things to grow our Lord’s kingdom? How are WE showing and pursuing love on this day OF love? How are we loving people no matter their sins, to help them get back to Christ? This day of love should be a day of love for Christ. This is our day to show the true light and meaning of what real love is.
This valentines I want to look past the singleness, the no flowers, chocolate, and carnal possessions and ultimately look to my Savior. He is the source of true happiness. Even if it is not immediate, He still always provides.
1John 4:8 kjv
8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
Mark 12:33 kjv
33. And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.
1 John 4:19