Hi friends! I thought it would be fun to do a q+a since I’ve never done one and since I’ve been so inactive for such a long time I thought it would be a great place to get back in! I have picked questions that kinda stood out to me and I can’t wait to answer. I hope these questions just give you a fun thing to read for a range of personal to encouragement, funny, or just curious questions you‘d like to read.
𝐐𝟏. Future plans after college?
In all honestly I keep asking myself this everyday. I really wish I could say I was one of those girls that knew every step of their life and have it all planned out but to be honest, I don’t. I’m always thinking Do I really wanna be a teacher? Is that what God is calling me to do? Do I feel like this is what my life is meant to be? Is there a bigger purpose for me? As every day passes I pray and ask God that he will lead me into the direction that He want me to go in and that He will take care of my life the way it should be.
𝐐𝟐. Favorite podcast?
Love this question but in truthfully saying I do not have a favorite podcast! (Crazy right?!) I usually tend to just jump around from podcast to podcast and listen to things my friends listen to but Im starting to really like anything by Sadie Robertson or Truth Talks with Tara Sun! These two are honestly really good + inspirational plus these two women have such Christlike spirits that it’s just honestly so great to get encouragement from them.
𝐐𝟑. Would you ever start your own podcast?
This question is honestly kind of surprising and funny at the same time. Never truly in my life have I ever actually imagined or thought of having my own podcast, have my own blog, or really just have a big purpose really in life. But I feel like if that was God‘s next plan for my life I would totally totally take it! In reality though I feel like I don’t have the proper knowledge to start a podcast and I feel personally it just wouldn’t be something some people would like to listen to so I’m not sure. This question though definitely has my mind turning and something I for sure would think about doing in the future when I kind of have my life put together! (Hopefully haha :)) but just thinking about it would be honestly total goals! LOL
𝐐𝟒. What are some of your goals for this year?
{exposing myself throughout this question }>> Just to start this question off I have not completed any of the goals I had written for this year and I’m just being real here. I have always been a procrastinator( just ask anyone haha) and as you can tell by this blog I like to put things off a lot and that was probably my first priority on my New Year’s resolution. I have always wanted to get into a workout routine, start reading my Bible more in the morning to start my day, have a more optimistic personality, and find the joy in little things. It’s so easy in this modern way of life to get lost in ourselves so that’s why I try not to have goals but just live each day moment by moment. I feel when we make goals and don’t meet them we get so upset with ourselves and that leads to negative mind of thoughts. once we begin to have this mindset we begin to think too much about ourselves and that leads to a prideful nature even if it’s not is showing am outward confident personality, it’s still prideful. As christians we should make it our goal to always humble ourselves and to be thankful for the little & big things that God places in our lives. Another thing is that I want everyone including myself to know that even if we do not meet all of our goals or we even add more goals to our lists, I want you to know that we are not failures. God knows first hand how difficult life is but just remember He is always by our side cheering us on even if it doesn’t feel like it.
𝐐𝟓. What subject do you enjoy most in school?
I honestly love this question which is very funny! Growing up I’ve always enjoyed history and science as this little shy nerdy girl always ready to draw on my map haha but as I’ve gotten to high school I’ve whole heartedly been enjoying art more and diving into my artsy side.I have always been very artistic and I feel like through this past year and through quarantine I really pursued my artistic side and have let it show more.
𝐐𝟔. What book genre is your favorite?
If you know me I am definitely down for any mystery, fiction,or romance book. I am definitely a big book lover and it’s so hard for me to choose just one! I have always enjoyed Nancy Drew books ,even though I know it sounds a little immature, I still enjoy reading her books. But I’d have to say my all-time favorite books, even though I don’t know how to classify this genre, would be the hunger games. I was a little nervous to read the hunger games but the books are so so addicting that I couldn’t put them down and I literally finished the first book all in one day! ( I know it’s absurd and it’s even surprising to my own self!) In all honesty I’m up to any book because hey can’t judge a book by it’s cover ;)
Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed + be ready for more blog posts to come :)
Deuteronomy 31:6 KJV
Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, heit isthat doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.